2023 was extraordinary. Our victories in court broke ground across the country. The decriminalization of abortion in Aguascalientes and at the federal level spread rapidly and widely. These advances were overwhelming, but we also pushed forward other processes and decisions in favor of reproductive justice. Our achievements this year were magnificent, and we are content.


This struggle is increasingly relevant to everyone.

In 2023 we achieved great things.
So big that the fight for reproductive justice became viral and closer than ever.
We killed it at the Mexican Supreme Court by attaining legal abortion in Aguascalientes and on a national level.
We mobilized the institutions.
We accompanied more than 200 cases, reaching justice for those whose human rights were violated.
We made the abortion issue viral. Today, it is treated with less social stigma by the media. Our contents became a reference, and millions of people adopted them as their own.
We shook the chambers of Congress. With the law reform that legalized abortion in Aguascalientes, more women, trans men and non-binary people with the ability to gestate will have access to this health service.
We hugged each other and we took over the public space to make the movement broader and more diverse.
We strengthened our organization and sharpened our focus from a vision that prioritizes systemic change.
Yes. In 2023 we killed it big time.

Breaking ground with the Supreme Court

We created a national strategy to remove abortion as a crime from the penal codes and to promote access to reproductive health services without discrimination. We achieved the decriminalization of abortion in Aguascalientes and at the federal level, in addition to other sentences related to reproductive justice.


We accompanied 218 cases in 29 states across the country, 36 comprehensive reparations processes, and closed 12 cases after having successfully obtained comprehensive reparation measures. We obtained recommendations and opinions from human rights defense institutions and also influenced public health institutions to provide services within the Supreme Court resolutions framework.


We worked intensively to influence the creation of laws and public policies that guarantee reproductive rights. In collaboration with local organizations, we managed to get the Aguascalientes Congress to decriminalize abortion during the first 12 weeks of gestation, and also provided technical assistance to lawmakers on the elaboration of multiple initiatives.


We worked to change media narratives regarding reproductive justice, particularly abortion, contributing to publications in major outlets such as The Guardian, BBC News, El País, The Washington Post, Global News, and The New York Times, among others, addressing reproductive justice issues without stigma and promoting discourse around abortion based on health, human rights, and justice terms.


Judicial sphere victories led us to more diverse audiences. Our content went viral and became a reference point within the discussion framework. We positioned abortion, reproductive health, and care topics through trending materials and new narratives. Our messages transcended in a chain effect, with audiences taking charge of sharing them until they became viral, reaching over two billion people.


We promoted collaboration processes and alliances with local, national, and international organizations in order to achieve systemic change in reproductive health care. We created spaces for dialogue and exchange, and supported organizations to strengthen the greater reproductive justice  movement.


We mobilized in public spaces to demand abortion access as an essential health service. We provided clear and accessible information for indigenous communities, people with disabilities, and migrants, thereby making the fight for reproductive justice closer to and more tangible for all people.


Based on our vision to prioritize systemic change and benefit individuals targeted by our interventions, we refined our institutional strategic approach. We also strengthened our internal operations.

To the individuals we support, who trust us and inspire us to continue our work in the pursuit of reproductive justice.

To our donors: Arcus Foundation, Co-Impact, Fòs Feminista, Foundation for a Just Society, Ford Foundation – Office for Mexico and Central America, Axa Foundation, Levi Strauss Foundation, the corporate social responsibility area of Organon, Mackenzie Scott, Open Society Foundations, Ríos-Rivers, Stewart R. Mott Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, as well as an anonymous donor.

Likewise, our work is made possible by the generous support of our individual donors, who have chosen to join us in the struggle for a Mexico where all women and individuals with gestational capacity have access to their reproductive rights.

To the General Assembly: Marta Lamas, Francisca Pou, and Roberto Tapia; to the Advisory Council: Gerardo Barroso, Roy Campos, Genaro Lozano, Karla Iberia Sánchez, Cecilia Suárez, Gabriela Warkentin, and José Woldenberg, whose commitment to women’s human rights provides perspective to our work. Their support and counsel are essential.



At GIRE, we are committed to transparency and accountability. Our annual budget is allocated to various departments that make up the organization:

Institutional Development and Finances
Litigation and case support