La Dama, pieza de ajedrez en color morado con un pañuelo verde con puntos blancos adornándola.

Breaking ground with the Supreme Court

We created a national strategy to remove abortion as a crime from the penal codes and to promote access to reproductive health services without discrimination. We achieved the decriminalization of abortion in Aguascalientes and at the federal level, in addition to other sentences related to reproductive justice.

On August 30th, the Supreme Court resolved a legal stay lawsuit filed by GIRE, Morras Help Morras (Women Help Women, in English), TERFU, CECADEC, and Cultivating Gender. The Court declared the unconstitutionality of the absolute prohibition of voluntary abortion in Aguascalientes and ordered the local Congress to repeal the corresponding penal provision.


On September 6th, the Supreme Court analyzed a legal stay filed by GIRE against the criminalization of abortion in the Federal Penal Code and concluded that such penalization is unconstitutional. The Court also ordered the Federal Congress to repeal the penal provision. With this resolution, federal public health institutions, such as ISSSTE (Mexican Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers), IMSS (Mexican Institute for Social Security), and PEMEX (Mexican Petroleum), which cover more than 70% of the Mexican population, must provide abortion services to those who request it.


We demanded the implementation of abortion services in states that have decriminalized it. We achieved a sentence ordering the Coahuila State Health Department to supply public hospitals with medication, ensure compliance with the Technical Guidelines for Safe Abortion Care, and cease all stigmatizing practices.


A Collegiate Court determined that it is discriminatory to establish age limits in the General Procedures Manual of the National Medical Center “20 de Noviembre” regarding assisted reproduction. It also determined that guidelines that exclude single people and all types of non-heterosexual families, constitute a violation of human rights.


Based on a case accompanied by GIRE and the Collective for the Protection of All Families in Yucatán, a federal judge ordered the National Health System to stop considering asexuality a psychiatric illness. With this decision, authorities must adjust protocols and norms to avoid discriminating against asexual people in accessing health care.